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over 2 years ago
What is Player Of The Week (POTW)?


What is Player Of The Week (POTW)?

(Originally posted by LadyCath on August 15th 2021)


Player of the Week is a very special award given to members of the Autcraft community who have gone above and beyond the normal day-to-day helpfulness.


These players have shown outstanding community spirit and earn the award by always being positive, always following the rules and helping other players do the same.


Players of the Week all take that extra step to ensure Autcraft is a safe, friendly place for everyone! If you put your community first, ahead of yourself, and are always thinking of others, you will earn this recognition as well.


Not everyone can get POTW and that is totally ok, we appreciate and care for each and every one of our players. Doesn't make you any less of a person.


POTW is announced at 4pm on Saturdays (Server Time) in the Tardis. 


The player who wins that week is awarded points to thank them for their great work that week in the community.



over 2 years ago
I've Been Muted, Now What?

I've Been Muted, Now What?

(Originally posted by LadyCath on August 25th 2021)


  • Stay Calm
  • Take Deep Breaths
  • Listen to what the staff member is saying to you
  • Try to understand why you were muted
  • Most mutes are on a timer so you have to wait until the timer is done, do not ask to be unmuted
  • DO NOT SPAM /afk, /helpop, /modreq or log in and out repeatedly
  • Please be respectful and use your manners

over 2 years ago
Need Help In Game?

Need Help In Game?

(Originally posted by LadyCath on August 25th 2021)


Need help whilst in game...


Need a protection?

/modreq Can you protect this build please


Need admin help?

/modreq <describe what="" you="" need="" help="" with="" here="" />



do /spawn or /home


Where shall I build? Where can I find a certain biome?

Ask others in game


Who can help me when other players cannot? 

Buddies, Helpers, SrHelpers and Admin


over 2 years ago
Where can I build?


Where can I build?

(Originally posted by LadyCath on August 25th 2021)


You need to follow the 30 block rule when you decide to build your first home.

What is the 30 block rule?


Image text reads:


The 30 Block rule:

Your house or building Must be 30 blocks minimum from your neighbour's house and builds. We won't protect a plot that is too close to another.


To give you room to expand and build.

Count the blocks from you to them as you walk 1, 2, 3... Then do a /modreq when you know your build can be protected and let us know if you have anyone else living there.


Why? So you and your neighbour don't build too close.




over 2 years ago
I've Been Jailed, Now What?

I've Been Jailed. Now What?

(Originally posted by LadyCath on August 25th 2021)


When you arrive in Jail or log in already in jail:


  • Check your /mail
  • Press [tab] to find a SrHelper or Admin
  • If you cannot use /msg to alert an admin or SrHelper/ use /helpop ONCE ONLY


If you are being spoken to:

  • Listen quietly to what the SrHelper or Admin is saying
  • Be understanding and take deep breaths
  • Don't argue or talk back
  • Try to see things from other peoples perspectives


Image Text Reads:

When you are being spoken to:

  • Listen to what the SrHelper or Admin have to say
  • Be understanding and take deep breaths
  • Don't argue or talk back
  • Try to see things from other people's perspectives

 Please be patient and try to remain calm


When you arrive in jail or login in jail:

  • Check your /mail
  • Press (Tab) to find a SrHelper or Admin
  • Alert them nicely in /msg that you are in jail
  • If you cannot /msg try using /helpop as that alerts Admin


If you disagree with a decision please contact an Admin